No Game No Life Wiki

The No Game No Life Film Concert is a live symphony orchestra that plays alongside the No Game No Life: Zero movie. Each song is played in the films respected order, only derailing from this pattern in the beginning before the film begins, as a live production of "There is a reason" is sung by Konomi Suzuki. After this opening, all other renditions of the song throughout the movie are replaced with only the instrumentals.

It wasn't available to the public until January 26, 2018 where anyone was allowed to buy tickets. Until this point, only select groups were allowed to view this performance. With the one somewhat exception during the Los Angeles Anime Film Festival, in September 15, 2017 as live versions of "THERE IS A REASON" and "Overture" were played, but it is currently unknown where and why this took place.

The venue was set at the Kawasaki City Sports and Cultural Research Center on March 24 & 25, 2018. At this event, select few will be able to obtain a deluxe box set of the Blu-ray DVD release. Though only those who purchased above the regular 60 dollar attending fee limit will be permitted to enter for the box set. They offered purchasable posters, soundtracks, Blu-ray editions of the DVD, regular DVD editions, and other certain limited edition items that have yet to be released.

