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Enderpokryphen (偽典・焉龍嘯, False Epigraphy: Dragon Roar) is an ability created using the Lösen algorithm. It utilizes the parse and emulates the structure of Ex-Machina to recreate a Dragonia's Far Cry, however only at a tenth of its original destructive power. Unlike Dragonia, when Enderpokryphen is utilized by Ex-Machina, the user is not only able to live, but also capable of free movement afterwards.


Taking several seconds to heat up and parse the blast, a Dragonian magical rite is emulated just above the user. This is due to the emulation of Far Cry taking place. After heating up, the user takes a stance to best aim and fires a thin white strip of heat that pushes the user back. Once making contact with the ground, it bundles up in one location to release one final blast that sucks in the foe. This is similar to a vacuum that is meant to crush the target with heat, pressure, and choke them with Black Ash.


Even Prufer units have this ability as a strict experimental and analytical measure, not a competitive focused intent. Even with its inferior power compared to the original, it is powerful enough severely damage or kill most races of the Ixseed.

Magic & Technologies
Phantasma Arma Qualia
Dragonia Far Cry
Flügel Heavenly SmiteSpatial ShiftRite of RestorationSpatial-Temporal Shift
Elf Spirit-Breaking RitesAka Si AnseJa La AnseKú Li AnseWarships
Dwarf E-BombSpirit ArmsWarshipsSubterrane
Fairy Sprite Tune
Ex-Machina LösenUmwegEnderpokryphenAlles-LösenStalemartyr
Demonia Bloodborne
Dhampir Psychological Empty Space
Werebeast Blood Break